Essential Grant Training for Nonprofits

We are in the process of scheduling the fall Essential Grant Training for Nonprofits workshop. Interest in the spring workshop was strong, and we reached capacity quickly, so to help us gauge interest in the workshop, we’re opening up pre-registration now. If you are interested in the fall workshop, please use the form at the bottom of this page to indicate your interest.

Fall 2022 Pre-Registration Information

The fall Essential Grant Training for Nonprofits will happen in late August or early September. Pre-registering does not obligate you to attend the fall workshop. Rather, this will help us see how much interest there is in the workshop so that we can plan accordingly.

The workshop is a day-long, in-person event. The fall workshop is being hosted in conjunction with the Nebraska VOAD. The workshop fee for Nebraska VOAD members is waived. For all other nonprofits, the workshop cost is $145.

While the workshop is open to all, small to medium organizations that rely on grant funding for operations or service delivery will benefit the most from this workshop’s content. Your organization does not need to be a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) to attend.

Workshop Modules

The workshop is divided into five modules, with each module lasting roughly one hour. We recognize that it’s hard to put everything on hold for a day, so we will build in time to check emails during the day and an hour-long lunch break.

Module 1: Finding Funding

All organizations need funding to operate and provide services. This module will cover the various ways to conduct grant research. We will also discuss ways to leverage the personal and professional networks you have to make a soft approach to funders.

  • Research: IRS 990s, Paid Databases, Free Databases, Government Resources
  • Networking: Social Media, Personal Networks, Professional Networks
  • Funder Nurturing: Engaging with funders before a request for proposals is made
  • Exercise: Develop a grant research plan

Module 2: Preparing to Write a Grant Application

Writing a grant application tends to be a larger undertaking than many expect – even when they are seasoned grant writers. This section will discuss what information can be pre-written and how to write in a modular way to make this as plug-and-play as possible.

  • Know Thyself: Boilerplate documents you should draft now to save time later
  • Capacity & Risk Mitigation: Demonstrating you can achieve goals and follow donor intent
  • Exercise: Outline what pre-written content is developed and can be made modular

Module 3: Grant Writing

Successful grant applications specifically address prompts in the request for proposals (RFP). This module will cover how to read an RFP to pick out specific topics your grant application should cover, how to research the funding organization and add language to your proposal that will make it more appealing, and how to design a project plan to manage the application process from start to finish.

  • Reading the Grant Application (RFA/RFP): Understanding the requirements of the grant
  • Project Planning: Managing the grant writing process, whether working solo or collaboratively
  • Know Thy Funder: Understanding the funder’s mission and past awards can guide your writing efforts
  • Grant Writing Pro-Tips & Tools: Techniques to writing impactful grant applications
  • Exercise: RFA Review

Module 4: Administering Funds

The funder community is tight-knit, and your reputation can make or break future funding opportunities. This module will cover strategies you can use to build funder confidence and minimize the reporting burden that tends to turn organizations off from seeking grants.

  • Reporting: Constructing reports that build confidence
  • Adversity: Strategies for working with funders when setbacks happen
  • Amplification: Leveraging success to open the door to more opportunities

Module 5: Workshop Wrap-Up

The workshop concludes with a peer-learning opportunity and discussion with workshop presenters. Attendees will have the opportunity to develop an action plan so they can put lessons from the workshop to use in their organization right away.

  • Your Action Plan: Leave the workshop with a clear plan of action to put what you’ve learned to work for your nonprofit.
  • What I Learned Lightning Talks: Attendees will be asked to share what resonated with them
  • Discussion: Question and answer session


If you are interested in attending the Essential Grant Training for Nonprofits workshop, please fill out the form below. There is no obligation to attend if you complete the form. Pre-registrations help us determine the level of interest so that we can book the appropriate facilities.

Are you a Nebraska VOAD member or involved in disaster response & recovery?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Limited sponsorship opportunities are available to help offset the cost of the workshop and keep it affordable for small nonprofits. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact Zach for information about packages and perks.